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Coffee Stencils

Our coffee stencils are made of stainless steel or plastic in different sizes and thicknesses. For producing an individual stencil, we create a technical drawing according to your picture, logo etc. which is suitable for mass production using laser cutting or blanking machines.

At the end of the production process, a surface treatment removes sharp edges from the stencil.

Coffee Stencil custom made
Coffee Stencil - stainless steel

Our coffee stencils are designed for long-term operation and can be cleaned in dish washers without a problem. As a manufacturer for coffee stencils, we produce them in different materials like metal and plastic.

A white coffee consists of espresso, hot milk and a 2-3 cm thick cover of milk froth. The name “cappuccino” is derived from the cowl of the Capuchin monks. The color of the cowl corresponds to the ideal brown coloring of this coffee drink.
